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Guide to Selecting the Best Assembly for Your School

Your school may wish to select the appropriate assembly program based on the following criteria.

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Often schools choose an assembly program that is appropriate for a particular time of year.


Start the School Year With a Positive Message

“Bye Bye Bully”

“The Character Counts Show”

“Voices for Good Choices”  (behavior)

“Young Children’s Music Concert”

“Say YES to Success”  (attendance)

“Stop, Think, Act”  (SEL)


January - February

“The Kids for Kindness Tour”


March - April

“Say YES to Success”  (test prep)

“All That Trash”  (Earth Day)

“The Crazy Bottles & Cans Show”  (Earth Day)


End the School Year With an Exciting Show

“250 Years of American Music” 

“Voices for Good Choices”

“Young Children’s Music Concert”


Though we do not offer programs that incorporate languages other than English, the following assemblies are particularly good for schools that have a large ESL or special needs student population. These are programs that use mostly music and/or many visual aids.


“250 Years of American Music”

“H2O, Where Did You Go?”


“Young Children’s Music Concert”

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